2021 New Year's Resolution: 1 tattoo per month
Let's go 2021! I have the weirdest new year's resolution for this year. It's not something to better myself or improve on anything (well, depends on who asks lol). I want to get one tattoo each month so I can fill out my leg sleeve! By the end of the year, I should have 12 new tattoos. And I want to record this experience in a separate blog from my "Girl of Color Gets Color Tattoos" blog.
**Future me here to say I have evened out the stakes a little. The goal is still 12 tattoos bUT as long as I get 7 or more (more than half of my goal), then I will still include it as a win. Tattoo a month isn't just physically and financially tolling, as it were, it's also mentally tolling and that is where I need to draw a line.
**Even more future me here to add I've dubbed this journey: Tattwenty21
January's tattoo
I actually got this at the tail end of December of 2020, but I'm just going to count it as January's!
My original vision of this tattoo was way different but I do still love it. Read the full story on my Girl of Color gets Color Tattoos blog.
Just a LOTR tribute tattoo!
February's tattoo
Also got this at the tail end of January, but counting it as February's tattoo. It's the FFXI home point crystal (as pictured in my blog header, actually lol!). This one was a rollercoaster during the healing process. Also read my Girl of Color gets Color Tattoos blog for the full story xD
Am I doomed? Preeetty sure I'm doomed (FFXV reference!)
March's tattoo
Got my Sailor MoonxFFXIV tattoo!
*heavenly choir plays* Finally, a tattoo I didn't have problems through the roof with! Well, I did have a few run arounds even finding a shop for March. This wasn't done until March 30th, almost 2 whole months after February's tattoo.
But! 1) it barely hurt getting it 2) it wasn't raised and painful afterward 3) it healed like butter 4) it healed super quick and 5) you can bet I'm going back to him after such a pleasant experience.
April's tattoo
Yesh, I officially have 2 cat tattoos and this won't be the last we'll see, probably even this year...
(It's stretched out because I'm laying down lol)
Probably the nicest experience I've had, personality/service wise with a tattoo artist and would love to go back to him for that alone. I thought this experience (of getting this many tattoos) was going to be a lot but it seems to be doing good for finding an artist I can trust and feel safe to return to, which I've wanted for so long and it takes a lot of the stress of getting a tattoo off my shoulders. This was also my first experience getting tattooed in an area that is a bit risqué and he handled it super well.
Also, I named him Tom c:
May's tattoo
Officially my first time returning to an artist!
Can't believe I've finally gotten an actual anime tattoo 😭 He killed it, as expected, just upset I didn't go for an area where he could make Kusuriuri's beautiful face bigger.
June's tattoo
Don't think this one is happening guys 😢
I hit a wall both financially and mentally and have to recover for at least one month to get back on my feet. I am however planning to buy a stick and poke tattoo kit and just might do that for either June or July.
July's tattoo
This one didn't happen either, more financial struggle mixed with moving and decided against a stick and poke.
August's tattoo
Alright this one is a doozy! I finally got a tattoo from one of my long followed and favorite artists @bunnymachine/Kimberly Graziano. The only reason I was even able to do this one is because she offered free tattoos for poc. I have to go back to her one day and get an awesome tattoo with a fat tip to say thank you. I couldn't even tip her and I felt bad about that.
September's tattoo
Didn't happen
October's tattoo
Didn't happen either 🤷🏾♀️
November's tattoo
Quite possibly the last tattoo I'll be able to get for my 2021 resolution... but even if that becomes the case, I still call this a win because I got more than half the number of tattoos I wanted. A passing grade 😂 For this one, I had to find a new tattoo artist within the area of my new home. It was tough but I eventually found one and booked her for November. This also marks the first tattoo I've gotten somewhere other than my thigh. I've gotta give it to the artist, (though of course my *experienced* healing routine was part of it too lol) it healed very well. Looks exactly the same even after healing!
December's tattoo
May or may not happen, but December's only halfway over, who knows? 😬